Parameters - Reply Type


Minimum Length:0,1,2,3

With this parameter you decide whether you wish to receive replies to your sent messages or not. If you wish to enable replies, you must select the method by which you wish the replies to be delivered back to your application:

  • » 0 No reply: the message will be sent with the Originator that you have entered and replies to the message will not be possible
  • » 1 Reply to Web    Service/HTTP(S) Connector: your Originator will be replaced by a TextAnywhere reply path number, with replies going to the Web Service or HTTP(S) Receiver
  • » 2 Reply to Email: your Originator will be replaced by a TextAnywhere reply path number. Replies go to the specified email in Reply_Data
  • » 3 Reply to URL: your Originator will be replaced by a TextAnywhere reply path number. Replies go to the specified URL in Reply_Data

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