Methods - SMSStatusEx


This method is used to query the delivery status of one or more text messages sent via the SendSMSEx function.

» Client_ID» String
» Client_Pass» String
» Client_Ref» String

The Return Code is a comma separated string of “destinationnumber:integer code” for each number to which the message has been sent.

For example: +44123456789:45,+44123456789:45,+44123456789:45

Each Return Code is returned as an Integer.

  • » 2Authentication failed: Account not found
  • » 22 Authentication failed: Account is currently suspended
  • » 4 Delivery status request failed: one or more parameters are too long or empty (maximum 50 characters)
  • » 40Specified Client_Ref does not exist
  • » 41 Message being processed by TextAnywhere system
  • » 43 Delivery failure - message rejected by the sending network
  • » 45 Delivery success – message delivered to handset
  • » 46 Delivery failure – invalid number, likely to have been churned by user
  • » 47 Message in transit and being retried, handset likely to be switched off or out of service
  • » 48 Delivered to the network with no reports, message likely to have expired as handset not switched on or out of service
  • » 49 Message queued on TextAnywhere system
  • » 50 Message not sent as number could not be formatted
  • » 51 Message not sent as number contained in Opt-out List
  • » 52 Delivery failure – message expired as handset not switched on or out of service during delivery period
  • » 53 Delivery failure – message confirmed as not delivered, though reason unknown
  • » 54 Delivery status unknown – no delivery confirmation provided by delivering network
  • » 55 Delivery failure – message rejected by the delivering network
  • » 56 Delivery failure – the handset has insufficient credit to receive this message
  • » 57 Delivery failure – temporary problem locating handset
  • » 58 Delivery failure – problem with handset's operator
  • » 59 Delivery failure – problem with handset receiving the message, likely to be temporary
  • » 60 Delivery failure – message rejected by the network as it is considered to be spam
  • » 61 Delivery failure – message rejected by the network as content considered inappropriate
  • » 62 Delivery failure – billing issue with handset
  • » 63 Delivery failure – parental content bar
  • » 64 Delivery failure – age verification required

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