Methods - SendMTResponse

Sends a single reverse billed, premium content message to a single mobile phone that has previously sent an inbound message to your premium content service.

» Client_ID » String
» Client_Pass » String
» Client_Ref » String
» RBID » String
» Body » String

Please note that when sending a reverse billed message it is not possible to stipulate your own Originator (or Sender ID field as it is also known). The RBID field has embedded within it the Originator, which is automatically set to the Short Code of the premium service.

Each Return Code is returned as an Integer.

  • » 1 Message successfully sent
  • » 2 Authentication failed: Account not found
  • » 22 Authentication failed: Your account is currently stopped
  • » 33 RBID is empty or not found
  • » 35 Client_Ref too long or empty (maximum 50 characters)
  • » 37 Body is empty, not found or longer than 160 characters
  • » 4 Error occurred during the sending process

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