Methods - SendSMSMTSelect

This method is used to send an MT premium content message to one or more specified members of your Subscriber Group for your premium content service.

» Client_ID » String
» Client_Pass » String
» Client_Ref » String
» Desination_Group » String
» Desination_Numbers » String
» Body » String

Each Return Code is returned as an Integer.

  • » 1 Message successfully sent
  • » 2 Authentication failed: Account not found
  • » 22 Authentication failed: Your account is currently stopped
  • » 33 Destination_Group or Destination_Numbers are empty
  • » 35 Client_Ref too long or empty (maximum 50 characters)
  • » 37 Body is empty, not found or longer than 160 characters
  • » 4 Error occurred during the sending process

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