
arrow SendSMSEx Send an SMS text message to one or more recipients, with either a Sender Id or phone number that can be replied to, receiving back a success/failure Return Code
arrow SMSStatusEx Query the TextAnywhere Gateway and return the previously sent message's delivery status for each of the recipients
arrow GetReply Returns SMS message replies originally sent with SendSMSEx setup to receive replies via the Web Service
arrow GetReplyByClientRef Returns SMS message replies by Client_Ref originally sent with SendSMSEx setup to receive replies via the Web Service
arrow DeleteReply Permanently delete the given text message replies
arrow CheckCredits Query the number of Message Credits available on a client’s pre-pay account
arrow CheckNumber Check the cost, in credits, of sending a message to the given mobile phone number, returning the country code, formatted number and cost in credits
arrow FormatNumber Returns a formatted number, where possible, from the unformatted number provided
arrow GetTextInbound Retrieve all inbound messages sent to a TextInbound number, returned as a CSV string
arrow ServiceTest Return the service status and your organisation name
arrow ReadTextMT Retrieve all inbound messages sent to a Short Code/Keyword service, without deleting them
arrow SendMTResponse Sends a response message to a single inbound MT message
arrow DeleteTextMOMT Delete the specified MO (inbound) messages sent to a Short Code/Keyword service
arrow GetMTGroupSubscribers When using the subscriber list function, the handset numbers of the current subscribers of the specified group are returned
arrow SendSMSMT When using the subscriber list function, a message is sent to the subscribers of the specified group
arrow SendSMSMTSelect When using the subscriber list function, a message is sent to specific individual subscribers of the specified group
arrow SendSMS Send a text message to one recipient with no reply capability (superseded by SendSMSEx method)
arrow SMSStatus Returns the delivery status of a message sent by SendSMS (superseded by SMSStatusEx method)

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