Methods - SendSMSEx


This function is used to send a single text message to multiple mobile phone numbers within one function. This function is also used to support the reply capability of the HTTP Receiver.

When sending a single message to multiple recipients, please use the following process:

  • » 1For up to 150 recipients: set the Connection parameter to 2 and make a single call of the SendSMSEx method
  • » 2For more than 150 recipients: set the Connection parameter to 4, and make multiple calls of the SendSMSEx method, waiting for the appropriate method Return Code, before calling the method again

SendSMSEx is also used to support the reply capability of the HTTP Receiver.

When sending a text message to one or more recipients to which a reply can be made, you stipulate the method by which you wish to receive that reply. This is achieved when sending the message.

You can receive replies through the HTTP Receiver, by email to a given email address or on a given web page URL.

By using the Reply_Type and Reply_Data parameters you stipulate how the message reply is delivered back to your application.

» Client_ID» String
» Client_Pass» String
» Client_Ref» String
» Billing_Ref» String
» Connection» Integer
» Originator» String
» OType» Integer
» DestinationEx» String
» Body» String
» SMS_Type» Integer
» Reply_Type» Integer
» Reply_Data» String

The Return Code is a comma separated string of “destinationnumber:integer code” for each number to which the message is sent.

For example: +44123456789:1,+44123456789:1,+44123456789:1

The integer code returned refers to the following:

  • » 1SMS Sent
  • » 2Authentication failed: Account not found
  • » 22Authentication failed: Account is currently suspended
  • » 3SMS failed
  • » 31SMS failed: Insufficient message credits on your account
  • » 311SMS failed: This Connection does not exist
  • » 32SMS failed: Originator format not recognised
  • » 321SMS failed: OType invalid
  • » 33SMS failed: Destination(s) format not recognised
  • » 34SMS failed: Reply_Type invalid or Reply_Data empty
  • » 35SMS failed: Client_Ref too long or empty (maximum 50 characters)
  • » 36SMS failed: Billing_Ref too long or empty (maximum 50 characters)
  • » 37SMS failed: Body too long or empty (maximum 160 characters)
  • » 38SMS failed: Wrong message type
  • » 39SMS failed: Wrong message encoding

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