Parameters - Connection


Accepted Values:1, 2 or 4

This is the class of SMS that you elect to send the message as. There are two classes; one for testing purposes and one for live usage:

  • » 1 - Test this is to assist you in initially integrating and then testing your message-sending application. By sending a test message with Connection set to 1, your application will engage with our SMS Gateway, though your message will NOT be sent beyond our gateway. Your application will receive a valid return code, which can be queried using an appropriate method. You are not charged for sending messages to this connection.
  • » 2 - Enterpriselow volume use: highest, UK-sourced message delivery quality. When sending a single message to up to 150 recipients set the Connection parameter to 2 and make a single call of the SendSMSEx method.
  • » 4 - Enterprisehigh volume use: highest, UK-sourced message delivery quality, identical in message quality to Enterprise – low volume. When sending a single message to more than 150 recipients, set the Connection parameter to 4, and make multiple calls of the SendSMSEx method, waiting for the appropriate method Return Code, before calling the method again.

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