
Please Note: To and From addresses can only be processed from the email data. Addresses passed during the transfer of an email from one server to another cannot be accessed by the TextAnywhere SMS Gateway. If your email server splits emails due to a large number of recipients, duplication will occur. It is suggested that you split recipients over multiple emails if it is likely your email server will split messages.

This section provides details on how to send and receive a text message, as an email, from within an application using the SMTP Service.

The SMTP Service represents one of the simplest means of sending text messages from within an application. Messages are sent as emails to the TextAnywhere SMS Gateway, from the application.

This service does not support the enquiring of the delivery status of a message and does not have the same depth of functionality as the Web Service or HTTP(S) Service. You can also receive text messages sent to your (optional) TextInbound number in an email format, documented here.

There are four TextAnywhere domains that can be used to send your email to. Each domain offers different email-to-SMS functionality.

You can limit the content of the email to a single SMS, as well as sending your chosen 11 characters (Originator) with the text message, rather than a phone number that is used for reply purposes.

When an email message is sent to the TextAnywhere SMS Gateway, the gateway verifies the email by checking the From address of the email with the addresses of the various users associated with the organisation’s account.

If there is a match, the email is processed and the requisite text messages sent. Otherwise, a failure email is returned to the From address.

The text message appears on the recipient’s phone with the following fields populated

  • » Body: The content of the email message.
  • » Time stamp: The date and time that the message was sent.
  • » Originator: A TextAnywhere reply-path phone number to enable the recipient to reply to the received text message or your 11 character Originator, depending which of the four email domains you sent the message to.

Please note the following phone number formatting requirements:

For messages to be delivered to UK mobile phones, the phone-number field should begin with a 0 and be followed by the next 10 digits. For example:

For messages to be delivered to internationally-registered phones or UK landline phones, the phone-number field should begin with a +, and be followed by the Country Code and the remainder of the number. For example:

Multiple numbers can be entered in the To field, delimited by semicolons (;).

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